Hi-Yield Bug Blaster 2 Granules provide very effective control against Army Worms, ticks, fleas, and many other pests. With record breaking rain, the “army” has come out in force to decimate many southern lawns.
Identification and prompt action are key:
During the early morning or late evening hours, armyworms can be seen feeding or moving in large numbers hence the “army” reference in their common name. If you suspect the presence of armyworms in your lawn, mix 1-2 tablespoons of lemon-
scented dish detergent in 1 -2 gallons of water and then mix until suds appear. Then, slowly pour mixture over a 1 square yard section of healthy turfgrass directly next to damaged areas. Armyworms will emerge within 10 minutes of pouring.
When Army Worms are detected, an application of Hi-Yield Bug Blaster 2 is extremely effective at an application rate of 1.15 lbs. per 1,000 sq/ft.
Read the Bug Blaster 2 Label
Contains 11.5 pounds to treat approximately 10,000 sq/ft for Army Worms
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