Georgia dogs Poa Annua

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The university of Georgia has published lots of great work on weed control. Click the link below to read how they recommend Prodiamine to help control Poa Annua: Poa Annua  

Yolkal News

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We are excited to announce our new “Chicken Roost” at Stone Brothers. We’ve been peddling quality chicken merchandise since 1914, and now with so many folks in Durham raising chicks, we have expanded our offerings.  Come on down to the … Continued

How to get rid of Dallisgrass

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We found a great article from our friends at the University of Tennessee on how MSMA helps to eliminate dallisgrass.  Read and enjoy. And if you need MSMA to get rid of your dallisgrass, crabgrass, sandburrs and other tough weeds, … Continued

A Slice of Tomato Advice

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Nothing says “summertime” like a nice, fresh tomato.  Whether you slice ’em on a sandwich, chunk them into a salad or cook them into a fresh, homemade pasta sauce, you just can’t beat a home grown tomato.  Stone Brothers & … Continued

Purchase Order policy

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Stone Brothers & Byrd is happy to accept official Purchase Orders from accredited municipalities, schools and other government agencies.  You may fax your PO to 919-682-1404 or email to If you have any questions, please contact Fuller at 919-564-6569

The Legend of Captain Hester

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When the going got tough for the Continental troops back in the Winter of ’76, General George Washington knew exactly how to muster courage and bravery in his men.  Washingtons’ own Molasses Beer was the lubrication that kept the American … Continued